


Booking Info:

Canadian Classic Rock Phone: 604.476.0634
Contact the band directly:

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17 thoughts on “Contact

  1. Guys,
    I became aware of the group when I was in high school. Our radio station (out of Duluth MN) played Real Enough pretty aggressively for awhile back in the 80’s.

    Quick Question – was there a “radio version”? My memories of hearing the song back then had more “doo wop” during the vocal breaks (especially with the bass voice)

    Sorry we lost Doug – glad you guys are keeping the music going

  2. Dear the slugs,
    We heard you on the radio en route to Canada this summer, and are dying to see a live show in the US (New York area) as soon as possible!
    Jeff and Julie
    New Jersey

  3. Hey I think you guys played here many years ago. I book the bands for The Heriot Bay Inn on Quadra Island. I see you guys are doing some touring this year. Any chance you all might want to come back and do a halloween gig this year?

    1. Have been a fan since the eighties! Went to see the band at the Commodore Ballroom In Vancouver a couple of months ago. The new singer was awesome, the place was packed and the band was incredible. Great night!

  4. Hi guys.
    Most of your fans will remember Doug as a wonderful songwriter/frontman, but some may not know he was a very creative artist that enjoyed drawing cartoons and characters.
    Also a great cook! He enjoyed hosting dinners, and had a knack for inviting a very interesting and diverse group of friends.
    Safe travels boys!

  5. It was 1980, I was a rookie DJ at our college radio station, WITR, at Rochester Institute of Technology. We were playing cuts from Doug and the Slugs new album Cognac and Bologna quite a bit! (Probably more me than any of the other DJs) – and then our general manager tells me that the band will be in town doing a show at “Red Creek” and I’ll be interviewing them live on air. I had never done an interview before! So yes, I was a bit star struck – Doug and another band member (the tall guy?) came in and I pretty much made a fool of myself asking stupid questions. But that memory will live with me always – and I had a blast that night at the show. Sadly I never got to see Doug and the Slugs again…

  6. Loved Doug & The Slugs in the 80’s, still love them now. Saw you play in Williams Lake to a much-too-small crowd, but you rocked us anyway. The music still sounds fresh today – Doug was fantastic.
    A fan always, Jeremy

  7. I was introduced to the music of Doug & The Slugs in 1986 by my 6th grade teacher (thanks so much, Mr McCann!). He came to school in a Popaganda t-shirt, and I asked about it. He brought in a cassette of Cognac And Bologna for me to borrow the next day, and I was hooked. I saw the band perform live 6 times over the years. The last time was at the Tabor Arms Pub here in Prince George in early 2003. The owner saw what a great time we were having and invited my date and I to stay behind after closing and meet Doug. We didn’t stay long, as Doug was obviously very tired, but it was a wonderful experience I’m so glad I got to have before he passed.

  8. Hey, Slugs!

    I love Doug and the Slugs!!!

    In the late ’70’s and early ’80s I worked in a remote mining town in the BC north. We lived in bunkhouses and there was precious little in the way of entertainment. That meant that my “Cognac and Bologna” and “Wrap It” cassettes were always in pretty heavy rotation on my ghetto blaster.

    Eventually I rejoined ‘civilization in the mid ’80’s and found myself in Ottawa. Doug and the Boys came to town to play at the old Barrymore’s on Bank Street and I was thrilled to be there for the gig. I can’t think of any other band that played a more exciting and entertaining show. Including Doug table top walking up the terraced room while singing and whipping the crowd to a crazed frenzy of fun.

    In the early ’90’s I was back in Vancouver, into theatre and working as a Stage Manager. Doug hired me to SM his production of the crazy bar room comedy, “Brew”. I saw another side of Doug in his role as producer. He was a consummate professional, a clever producer, a totally committed impresario and a true gentleman of the theatre.

    In the early 2000’s I also had the good fortune and pleasure to work with Simon Kendall on the musical “Red Rock Diner”. Again a great guy, amazing musician and man of the theatre par excellence.

    Needless to say my connection to D&TS is pretty significant and I am too happy for it.

    All the best.

    Barry Burns
    Sackville, NB.

  9. Enjoyed your show at the El Mocombo in ‘81 or ‘82. Remember you performed Day By Day twice.

    Good times!

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